
The idea to start a business analysis company was formed during the March/April 2020 lockdown due to the COVID-19 crisis. At the time there was a lot of uncertainty in the business world, not knowing if certain companies or whole industries would survive or ever be the same again. Consequently a lot of businesses re-sharpened their focus on their bottom line and were forced to make some tough decisions. During this time I found myself knee deep in scenario planning to work through all contingencies that might or might not eventuate. I realised that there would be many businesses out there that would appreciate to have someone to hands-on work in their business and help them make decisions that are backed up by data and good analysis.

I am Thomas Barta and have extensive practical experience in finance and business having worked in financial and senior leadership roles across various industries in 4 different countries. Everywhere I went I added real value, particularly by developing models for a variety of applications like forecasting or profitability analysis but I’ve also implemented new software systems including full ERP. I can do anything in Microsoft Excel and I’ve got great experience in the wider Office suite but also have acquired some SQL query skills which are useful if you would like to use dashboard software like Power BI.

I’m not a chartered accountant and filing tax returns is not my passion but I have extensive experience in that field and can help to keep accounting costs to a bare minimum. I’m not an IT expert but I know my way around computers pretty well and I have got great connections in the industry and can act as point of contact to make sure you get best value for money.